Wednesday, April 26, 2006

la fin d'un voyage

It has been four days since my last exam of undergrad. The last exam was so hard to study for as with all exams but this one was on the last day and I lacked motivation. I really don't know how I did but I should be alright. So...this is the end...It still fells surreal that I am done. It feels like any other day. It hits me when Eric moved out of westcourt Friday of last week. This pass five years really flew by, I still remember the ups and downs as if they just happened yesterday. What's next, I don't know...I came in to university searching for an answer but I end up with more questions. I am sure they will be answered eventually but until then, I'll just have to have faith and wait.

Until next time

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Second Last Step


The third exam done on such a beautiful day. I think the exam went alright. I must say, this course, Clas 384, sci and tech of ancient Rome and Greece, was the best course I took in university and maybe it is just not engineering. I should have taken more cool courses like this one. That's one of the regrets I have. There are still so many interesting courses that I want to take and I miss so many lectures by cool and famous people just because I was lazy or busy. In university, the world comes to you but once you are in the real world, you have to find it. A life lesson would be to seize every chances you get and do all the things you want to do so you won't sit in your room one day and regret what you did not do.

until next time

Monday, April 17, 2006

Another Step Closer

[2/4]...I wrote my second exam of 4B about a week ago. I am not sure how well I did but I think I should pass. I have never been so stress before for an exam. There are 5 of us in a room in DWE and we each had a breakdown one by one. We are all freaking out cause we really have no idea what's going on in that class and if you ask me now, I still have no idea what went on. As we are all freaking out, trying to understands the materials worrying about what will happens, I was reminded that I had been selfish and not been faithful. I had been selfish in terms of thinking of only what I want and not really what God wants and faithless in that if I have truly surrender my life to God, I should not have to worry about what will happen and just know that whatever happens is for the greater good. As I study some more, I realized that this will likely be the last time where I will be studying with this group of people and it will be the last time I'll feel this helpless for an exam. I know that down the road, I'll look back and laughed at all this and really miss the experience and the company of those 5.


Until next time...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

One Step Closer

[3/4]...Just wrote my first exams of 4b term. I remember the same time last year in Brantford...I was thinking that I still have lots of time. A whole year, one whole year...boy...did that year passed by fast, I had a great summer school term, got send down to San Diego CA for a week during my fall co-op term, went to classes for my last winter term and I am, one step closer to the end of my university journey...what has happened to my year? Why did it pass by so fast? What did I do during that year?...


until next time...