Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Zambia - Day 10 , 11, 12

Bye Zambia!
Circling over London as we wait to land
Going back to Calgary

Day 10
Our ride back to Lusaka was alright, nothing exciting happened and I ended up sleeping for half of the way. After a quick walk through the flee market, it was off to the guest house. While waiting for the room, we saw survivor with all African ppl. It is the same as the one we see in US and Canada but only with African host and all African ppl. I joke around with one of the team members as to which wild and remote location they would be send to because Africa is pretty wild and remote already. We joked that they should send them to New York and one of the challenge is to fill out an IRS income tax form correctly.

Day 11
Today, two of the team members left already and it was warp up meetings and packing. The biggest excitement was me trying to figure out how I am going to carry two drums back to Canada since they can’t be carry-on.

Day 12
Today, we got up extra early to go to the airport because we heard the flight was over booked. At the airport, we ran into some delays since British Airways’ computer was having trouble hooking up with the satellite and the data base back in England. We were delay for a total of 3 hrs and because of this we got a free hotel room for it. I try to stay up for most of the flight to adjust my time zone since I arrived in Calgary at 7 in the evening. The flight was uneventful which was a nice way to end off the trip.

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