Monday, November 13, 2006

Lusaka - Day 2

We are all worshiping!!!

You can see one of the big speakers they use in the center of the picture

After a night of sleep, I had pretty much adjusted to the time zone. It was rather easy to correct for the time zone this trip because all my flights were overnight flight and all I had to do was sleep on the plane. Today was Sunday and the team was invited to Bethel International Church in Lusaka. That church service was sure interesting. First of all, it remained me the Aerosmith concert I went to. I was about 5 m from the stage at that concert. At church, we were given guest sits at the front of the room. 2 meters away from us was one of the big speakers you find in large halls and concerts. They crank the volume so high that the amp overheats and shuts down occasionally. There is so much distortion that would make any electric guitarist jealous. I think I lost as much percentage of hearing from the Aerosmith concert if not more. I assure you that is sure way from keeping people from following asleep. The church service start at 9 and by the time we left at around 12 they were still going. The style of preaching is very charismatic, lot of interaction between the preacher and the congregation. We stood up for worship and that’s at least 30 min, then we stood and “pray” for tides and offering and that’s at least 30min. That prayer felt more like a sermon than a prayer. Then came the sermon and that about 45 min, we gone over at least 5 passage and each of them can be a sermon in itself. We stood again and “pray” for another 45 mins. Again, the prayer felt like a sermon. My legs were so tired by the time we left. On my way out, I was trying to remember the sermon but I can’t really remember what was said since it felt like I listened to so many sermons and so much information were given. After lunch, it was a meeting to go over the Royal Poultry Company and prep for the meeting with the Ministry of Works.

Until Next time...

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