Monday, December 04, 2006

Zambia Day 5 & 6 - Meetings and Meetings

Pics of the School

Zambia Day 5
Today was mostly more meetings to talk about the processing plant as well as the business plan. A couple of us went to meet with the Ministry of Environment to ask about the environmental standards and the impact assessment that we have to write before the start of construction. The meeting went very well.

The place where we stayed in Ndola is a school set up by a group of aussie missionary to teach locals different trades skills. The school has very nice landscaping and the rooms are quite comfortable. The window has a screen so the bugs will be able to fly in. For the pass few mornings, I discovered that I have been bitten every night. I soon realized that the screen gave me a false sense of security because it has a big hole in it.

That night, a few of us went out into town with our guild to an internet café. It was nice to get connected with the rest of the world and let everybody know that I am still alive. It was quite freaky to be in town at night as there are not much light on the streets and since we are foreigners, lots of beggars were asking for money but we all made it back safely.

Zambia Day 6
Today is special as we have a little field trip to an orphanage. The meeting today was used to compare the processing machine quotations and discussion on the business plan. There are quite a number of kids at the orphanage ranging from babies to elementary school age. All the kids have HIV but you can’t really tell because they are all so energetic. The orphanage consist of three cute little house. We spend the time there playing with the kids. For the rest of the day, we had our meetings. I notice that throughout the day, I get very sleepy when after every meal especially lunch time. I think they should have something like Siesta but then, the whole day would be Siesta.

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