Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fighting hunger, Ghetto bathroom upgrade, Last day of Summer

Fighting Hunger:
Zambia is one of the most stable countries in the region politically, however, it is still ravaged by HIV/AIDS and poverty. The total life expectancy of the population is 40.03 years, as of 2003, the HIV prevalence rate in adults is 16.5%, 50% of the population is unemployed and 86% of the population lives below poverty line. As said on my project leader’s blog, feeding of the soul often becomes secondary to a population whose only goal for each day is to feed the body.

Derek, the visionary behind the Royal Poultry Company (RPG) wants the company to :
-Provide nutritious, affordable food
-Create jobs and establish businesses with Godly, ethical practice
-Improve and expand regional, eventually national agricultural conditions
-Direct proceeds into a fund dedicated to providing financial resources for church development throughout Zambia.

RPC’s goal is to establish hundreds of self-sustaining and individually owned poultry raising and feed growing farms around central supply, education, and processing facilities. In order for this to become reality, RPC needs to train, supply, and develop the market for micro-enterprise poultry farmers, organic feed growers, and market vendor. As this becomes established, the availability and quantity of nutritional, affordable food for low income families will be increased, more jobs will be created, local farmers will be educated and profit from RPC will be designated to establish a national church growth fund.

My task at Engineering Ministry International (eMi) will be to Master Plan and design the first buildings for administration and teaching facilities, supply and warehouse buildings, fertilizer blending plants and mature bird processing plants. A team of 13 volunteers consist of Architects, Mech., Civil., and Elect. Engineers as well as Project/Construction manager, and Surveyor will be traveling to Zambia from Oct 12th to 25th.

It is a privilege to be working with a group of professional who are giving their own time, energy and resources for this project that is directly fighting against poverty and malnutrition. Please pray for financial provision, our preparations, our ability to catch the company’s vision, our families back home while we are gone, and our unity as a team because few of us will have ever met each other before we land in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia. Feel free to email me for more information and check back for updates.

Ghetto Bathroom Upgrade:
So, on thursday this week, I was informed that our 3rd world Ghetto bathroom had an upgrade and now it is consider to be a nd world Ghetto bathroom. What made the difference? A toilet paper dispenser...

Last day of Summer:
On the last day of summer, I head back out into downtown. There are way more people walking around than last week most likely due to the nice weather. But then, there still nothing much too do in downtown. While walking around, I made a hit list of museums I am going to check out. I walked by Holt Renfrew again and the sexy jacket I saw last week is still there but it looks like they are changing their displays. The picture did not capture the full glory of the jacket

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